About #fearGodfriday
For the past few months, God has been dealing with me about various injustices in the world, and how much He loves justice. When I read about #BlackoutTuesday regarding the death of George Floyd, racist attitudes, and injustice, the first thing that popped into my head was, “What about #fearGodfriday?”
You see, real justice won’t come for all people unless all people fear God. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the hatred of evil according to Proverbs — two things that we desperately need more of in this world.
#fearGodfriday is not just about injustice, though. It’s about our need for an outpouring of God’s Spirit on our land (whatever country you live in). We need a worldwide revival where the Holy Spirit convicts of sin, righteousness and judgment, and where Jesus Christ is revealed in truth.
Duncan Campbell called revival “a community saturated with God.” That is what we need in 2020. Please join me in prayer every Friday for a God-sent revival.